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Crickets that don't sing
Carolina Leaf Roller female

You will occasionally encounter crickets that don't sing, and I'll include them here so that you know who you're seeing. They will have long antennae like other crickets - in fact, they may even be outrageously long! You can tell males from females. They just don't sing.


Here are the common ones:

Carolina Leafroller (Camptonotus carolinensis)

These adorable little crickets have outrageously long antennae! I only see them on occasion in most of our area, but saw a number of them in Medina County and some in Summit County in summer, 2017.

You can read more about them a see more photos at my Listening in Nature post on "the silent ones, which you'll find here:

Carolina Leaf Roller female. Note her ovipositor and the dark band at the base of her abdomen.
Carolina Leaf Roller male abdomen color Letha House 8-1-17.JPG
Carolina Leaf Roller male. No ovipositor or dark abdominal band.

Cave or Camel Cricket (Ceuthophilus spp.)

Like our singing crickets and katydids, Camel Crickets, though silent, are members of the suborder Ensifera. Their long antennae help them find their way around dark habitats like caves or basements. The large ones periodically (and needlessly) terrify human visitors to park restrooms. They will not hurt you!

Huge male on a restroom wall
They look like wood carvings
and have beautiful markings
Small female - probably a nymph - on a trail at night.

Restless Bush Cricket (Hapithus agitator)

Very uncommon, but they do show up once in a while and are more likely to be found just a little south of us. I also see a couple every year at East Harbor State Park near Marblehead (western Ohio lakeshore). Look for the yellow edges around their wings.

The ones in Southern Florida sing, but those farther north do not. Females feed on the wings of males during copulation (from Singing Insects of North America- see below).

Singing Insects of North America

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