Website organization:
how to find what's interesting to you
Short-winged Meadow Katydid
Welcome, everyone!
Here’s a listing of everything currently planned for the website. I’ll make updates as needed and will be able to add additional topics over time. You'll find recordings as well as photos on most of these pages.
Start with the horizontal menu bar at the top of every page on the website. You can access all these topics from there.
​Under the primary heading, there will be a drop-down menu of all the subfolders. You can click on the one you want and go directly there from the menu bar
You can also go to specific topics and insects right from this current page
This website is currently designed for desktop, though it should look fine on tablets as well. I may need to make adaptations for mobile, but that won't happen until after the upcoming singing insect field season.
Northeast Ohio’s Singing Insects intro
How, why, and when do they sing?
Where do they sing: their habitats
The season of song: late May
through mid-October
Reproduction: mating and ovipositing
Sword-bearing Conehead
Katydids 1: meadow katydids, coneheads,
and shieldbacks
Introduction to Meadow Katydids
Conocephalus Meadow Katydids
Straight-lanced Meadow Katydid
Orchelimum Meadow Katydids
Introduction to Conehead Katydids
False Robust Conehead – a new arrival
Introduction to Shieldback Katydids
Crickets 1: Crickets on the ground, crickets in the bushes, and the trigs
Introduction to the songs at ground level
Crickets moving northward: intro to
Jumping Bush Crickets and Trigs
Carolina Leaf Roller
Camel and Cave Crickets
Restless Bush Cricket
Introduction to Round-winged, Oblong-winged, and Angle-wing Katydids
Introduction to Scudderia Bush Katydids